Hong-Lun Tiunn is a Doctoral Fellow at The George Washington University - Milken Institute School of Public Health, exploring the intricate interplay between health systems, services, and outcomes. He is establishing a specialized role in health policy, with an emphasis on the diversity, equity, and distribution of the health workforce, alongside a commitment to enhancing the performance and quality of health systems.

Tiunn's educational background includes a Master of Public Health from the University of Rochester and a Master of Science in Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene from National Taiwan University. His status as a Certified Occupational Hygienist showcases his diverse skill set.

At the Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity, Tiunn serves as a Research Associate. Here, he applies his skills in quantitative and qualitative methods, policy analysis, and data visualization to conduct thorough data analysis and policy research on various health workforce issues. His collaborative work with government agencies, academic institutions, and professional associations is integral in transforming research findings into practical policy recommendations and best practices.

Additionally, Tiunn's dedication to public health is evident in his experience in the Taiwanese Parliament, where he served as the Vice Chief of Staff for Policy and Bill Development to members of Taiwanese Parliament. His role was pivotal in shaping health and environmental policies, demonstrating his ability to navigate complex legislative processes and contribute to significant policy advancements.

Tiunn's contribution to public health also extends through his published works and conference presentations, offering valuable insights into areas like air pollution governance and the impact of vaping. His efforts are widely recognized for their depth and commitment to advancing health policy on a global scale.