Dr. Natalia Ruiz-Negrón, PharmD is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy with practice sites at SelectHealth, a regional managed care organization, and a local community health clinic that provides care to an uninsured, largely minority population. She recently completed a two-year health economics and outcomes research fellowship at the University of Utah Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Center in collaboration with SelectHealth. Dr. Ruiz-Negrón received her Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree from the University of Utah College of Pharmacy in 2016. Her research interests include health economics, pharmacoepidemiology, and health services research in diabetes and hypertension.

Natalia Ruiz-Negrón is a 2019 grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Health Data for Action program, managed by AcademyHealth. 

Authored by Natalia Ruiz-Negrón, PharmD