CHP Community Profile Spotlight

This project snapshot provides an overview of the community and details the project approach, anticipated impact, timeline, collaborators and lists the project team.

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In January 2016 AcademyHealth's Community Health Peer Learning (CHP) Program in partnership with the Office of the National Coordinator, awarded 15 communities with grants to work towards improving community health through the expanded collection, exchange, and use of health data.

This Community Profile outlines the efforts of the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP) of the University of Vermont College of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics who worked to create an electronic shared plan of care (e-SPoC) for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This family-centered
system aims to simplify the management of each child’s multiple systems of care into adulthood through information from electronic health records as well as data on economic, environmental, and social determinants of health.