A publication of the Translation and Dissemination Institute, Evidence Roadmaps provide a selected minimal set of key resources on a given topic, including research studies, grey literature, and systematic reviews.  The Evidence Roadmaps to date focus on topics identified as a part of the Institute’s Listening Project


The following Evidence Roadmaps, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, take a closer look at some of the evidence gaps identified in the 2014 Institute report, “The AcademyHealth Listening Project: Improving the Evidence Base for Medicare Policymaking,” in order to help policy analysts and others explore the current state of knowledge about each topic.


The following Evidence Roadmaps, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, take a closer look at some of the evidence gaps identified in the 2015 report, “The AcademyHealth Listening Project: Improving the Evidence Base for Medicaid Policymaking,” in order to help policy analysts and others explore the current state of knowledge about each topic.