Dr. Painter is a pharmacist and health services researcher. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy, Master of Business Administration, and Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy) degrees from the University of Kentucky. Dr. Painter is a health research scientist at the Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Mental Healthcare & Outcomes Research. Since joining the VA, Dr. Painter’s research has focused on economic analysis of mental health approaches for Veterans including the “HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression Into Effective Solutions” and “Telemedicine Outreach for Post Traumatic Stress in CBOCs” interventions. He is especially interested in the interaction of mental health, pain, and the treatment choices associated with these conditions. Dr. Painter is an Associate Professor in the Division of Pharmaceutical Evaluation & Policy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy. His responsibilities there include coordination of Pharmacy Management for professional students and Pharmacoepidemiology for graduate students.